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Uncovering the Truth History of Kung Fu

Uncovering the Truth History of Kung Fu 

Best Kung Fu - Uncovering truth History of Kung Fu
Uncovering the truth History of Kung Fu 

Uncovering the truth History of Kung Fu 

Kung Fu refers to a variety of fighting styles that are created over the centuries in China. The word itself means 'skill attained by diligence over time.' Classical or Traditional Kung Fu is those arts created before the arrival of the People's Republic of China. The martial arts of the People's Republic are called Wushu, and, having been designed by education coaches for the (financial) advantage of the fashionable nation, aren't related, in practice or philosophy, to the first art. The term, however, can ask about an individual's skill level in fields aside from martial arts.

The original fighting disciplines found their start in ancient China, doubtless being rooted in the need for hunting and self-defense. Legend has it that the humanities were 'codified' into fighting systems by the Yellow Emperor, Huangdi, during the Xia Dynasty quite 4, 000 years ago. The Yellow Emperor was a famous general who also wrote volumes concerning medicine and astrology.

The earliest records of Kung Fu are within the Spring and Autumn Annals around the 5th Century BC. Hand handy theory is mentioned, alongside the concepts of hardstyle v soft style arts.

In the first century BC a combat wrestling style, Jiao Di is spoken of within the Classic of Rites. Pressure points, strikes, throws, and joint manipulation were recorded during this work.

At around the same time, the Han History Biographies note a distinction between the unarmed fighting systems and therefore the various weapons systems.

By the Tang (roughly 600-900 AD) poetry was being written describing sword dances, and by the Sung (roughly 1000-1300) contests were being conducted by the Imperial government.

While there are many philosophical influences in Kung Fu, arguably the foremost influential is Taoism. This religion holds principles that directly relate to the study of the fighting disciplines. Taoists, right from the outset, practiced physical routines (Five Animals Play-tiger, deer, monkey, bear, bird) which influenced and were absorbed by martial arts practitioners. The direct influence of Taoism is most notable in such arts as tai chi Chuan, Pa Kua Chang, and Eight immortals.

Probably even more influential than Taoism is the Shaolin Temple. The Temple gave rise to an immense quantity of labor on Kung Fu, including epitaphs of warrior monks, training handbooks, encyclopedias, histories, traveling journals, novels, and even poetry.

Kung Fu, with such an upscale history, includes such systems as Eagle Claw, Five Animals, Hsing i, praying mantid, White Crane, Wing Chun, tai chi Chuan, and Bak Mei Pa.

In 1949 the history of classical Kung Fu in China came to an end. Specifically, the People's Republic of China actively sought out and killed skilled martial artists as enemies of the state. The thought behind this, keep with any tyranny, is that the people shouldn't have the power to rebel, and learning the way to defend oneself is tantamount to revolution.

Still, the history of Kung Fu goes on. There are efforts to resurrect the first Kung Fu of Shaolin, and therefore the martial artists that fled the communist regime have brought Kung Fu to the remainder of the planet. There have even been systems of Kung Fu, like the Shaolin Butterfly, which originated outside of China.

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