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Kung Fu Sparring

Kung Fu Sparring

Best Kung Fu - Kung Fu Sparring
Kung Fu Sparring

Kung Fu Sparring

Kung Fu sparring is the best thanks to determine your skills as a fighter and a martial artist. the most reason you undertake the study of Kung Fu is to guard yourself when confronted with unavoidable danger. If you're not prepared in any case your training then the diligence and energy are meaningless.

In order for your training to be effective, it's vital to spar regularly. The sparring must be on the brink of real because it is often while still providing a secure place to simulate reality. Therefore the attacks and defenses must be like street fighting.

To simulate real street fighting full protection gear should be used. The protective gear should cover the lower ears, heart, kidneys, neck, eyes, shin, and, obviously, groin. This gear doesn't get to be huge but must absorb some impact of blows because these are critical attack zones. for instance, street hockey or soccer shin guards provide sufficient protection for sparring. Also, boxing headgear has ear protection that absorbs blows against the mandible from hook shots or elbows. These minimize the impact of a blow that might normally devastate a training partner.

You should spar without gloves to perform open-handed techniques because gloves lack the sensitivity that only open hands can provide. the sensation of awareness can't be experienced with gloves.

You must limit the facility of the attacks because different people have different levels of strength. Someone who can lift 350 to 500 pounds has more strength than someone who only lifts 150 pounds. When sparring this must be considered and monitored.

You must always respect your training partner for you're both sparring to perfect your skills and develop timing; this is often not the road and you're not fighting for your life. Respect your sifu for your teacher is your mentor and guide; sifu knows best and sees beyond just the present fight. Respect your school for this is often a special place of learning; this is an area to be honored. Lastly, respect yourself and live by your code of honor; you're sparring to seek out the way to fight and you would like to find out what works including the power to stay your wits during a fight.

Moving around or footwork when Kung Fu sparring is to be very limited unless your intent is to primarily work on mobility. you want to stand your ground, don't dart in and then out. you're sparring to find out the way to use your techniques to not copy. you'll never find out how to use your tools by always moving away.

Sparring is the single greatest method of learning how well you're doing. it's within the heat of battle that you simply find your strengths and your weaknesses, what works and what doesn't work and most of all, your real Kung Fu warrior spirit!

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