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About Chinese Kung Fu

About Chinese Kung Fu 

Best Kung Fu - About Chinese Kung Fu
About Chinese Kung Fu 

About Chinese Kung Fu 

Have you ever watched movies about Chinese Kung fu? do I like it? it is a miracle, which features a history of thousands of years. Shaolin, Wudang, E-mei, Kunlun, Kongtong, and Qingchen-numerous schools create the mystery of martial arts. Till now, Chinese self-defense has become an awesome sport for keeping fit and self-defense. what proportion do I realize it?

Chinese Kung Fu could also be a precious treasure that belongs not only to China but to the whole world. Anyone who has seen classical Chinese Kung Fu movies goes to be deeply impressed by the Chinese Wushu, which is known as Kung Fu or Chinese martial arts within the west.

In China today, Wushu is the preferred word to elucidate Chinese Martial Arts. The word Kung Fu was first employed by a western Jesuit Missionary named Pere Amoit after witnessing exercises and training regimens in China. He called it "Cong Fou" in his personal journals. The term "Kuo-Shu" was popular in China until about 1930. This term has since been popularized by the Taiwanese Government to elucidate Chinese Martial Arts.

Chinese Martial Arts mentioned as Chinese Kung-fu by most foreigners could also be a standard Chinese physical activity with thousands of years of history. As a precious element of China's cultural heritage, Chinese Kung Fu has also won its name all around the world for its broad and deep meanings and its Oriental features, which cover it with a mysterious veil.

The origin of Chinese Kung Fu, according to some historical records and antique discoveries, is usually dated back even to prehistoric times. Survival a while past meant scrambling to need or protect food from others and animals. Kicking, boxing, and blocking were an area of lifestyle. within the later primitive societies, these skills began to look at ceremonial rituals where they were combined with dance to represent their heroes, thus forming the earliest series of Kung-fu moves and performances.

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