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A Very Brief History Of Kung Fu

A Very Brief History Of Kung Fu 

Best Kung Fu - About Chinese Kung Fu
About Chinese Kung Fu 

A Very Brief History Of Kung Fu

While I will be able to deliver on my promise to supply a really brief history of Kung Fu, I won't, unfortunately, be providing dates, names, or evolution. It wouldn't be very brief if I did.

Nearly all East Asian martial arts have their roots in Kung Fu. China, as you almost certainly know, was basically an empire that lasted 6000 years. But that's a really while for an empire then it went through many changes and lots of ups and downs.

Buddhism entered China from India, and this is often where it got its start. During a 'down' period in China's history, mountain bandits terrorized and ruled the countryside. Buddhist monks had a habit of traveling from temple to temple but during this period they were often robbed and murdered by the mountain bandits on the way (the bandits weren't too reverent apparently). therefore the monks decided to defend themselves, with deadly force if necessary, and they invented Kung Fu.

Despite all the flamboyant acrobatics you see in modern Kung Fu movies, to the present day, it's a sort of hand handy combat that's designed to bring down or maybe kill an opponent with a series of quick and strategic short-range blows. Strength is an asset in fact but with Kung Fu, even an old man can bring down someone twice his size.

Many sorts of Kung Fu have developed over the years, but my favorite has got to be drunken style. Drunken style is exclusive therein the fighter doesn't actually mimic intoxication while fighting (unlike Jackie Chan's comedy). Acting drunk may be a tactic to lure your opponent and deceive him into thinking he has found a simple target. Mentally disarming him during this fashion, the defender waits for the attacker to urge close enough (It is not any good at a distance) and bam! he lets the attacker have it and finishes him off briefly order.

And that, briefly, is the story of Kung Fu.

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