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72 Secret Arts of Monks from the Shaolin Monastery

72 Secret Arts Of Monks From
The Shaolin Monastery

72 Secret Arts of Monks from the Shaolin Monastery
72 Secret Arts of Monks from the Shaolin Monastery 

72 Secret Arts of Monks from the Shaolin Monastery

72 Secret Arts of Monks from the Shaolin MonasteryThe 72 Shaolin Secret Arts are techniques for setting up the body and the brain for activity under extraordinary conditions (most importantly, in states of genuine hand-to-hand battle). In the event that you prepare just hand-to-hand systems and don't focus on unique preparation, you will never accomplish the most noteworthy dominance and your developments will not have genuine constrain. "The clench hands resemble blooms, and the legs like weaving needles", chuckle the old experts at such "methods". The 72 Arts of Shaolin are the establishment of the very pinnacle of dominance in all styles of Kung Fu.

72 Secret Arts of Monks from the Shaolin Monastery"Seventy-two valuable expressions are kept in a brocade pack, they are kept like an incredible fortune. Eighteen of them are the substance of the celebrated treatises on pugilistic expressions. Eighteen different expressions depict in detail preparing strategies with the utilization of uncommon apparatuses and preparing hardware. Superb techniques for achieving the adaptability of the breath-chi, practices in acquiring hardness and gentility, and grasping strategies are composed with the blood of ministers in books that are kept like a fortune in the brocade pack. One can occasionally meet the individuals who truly need to do practices with energy: to end up plainly a genuine legend, one should regularly feel an intense taste of hard work."/Secret Shaolin Treatises on the Pugilistic Art/

72 Secret Arts of Monks from the Shaolin MonasterySeventy-two sorts of the Shaolin Arts speak to a case of individual experience of friars from the Shaolin Monastery in the Songshan Mountains. This experience was acquired through hard activities in battle expressions for numerous ages. The best specimens of those seventy-two expressions are such powerful strategies as qi gong (chi kung), breathing activities chi, activities to acquire hardness Ying gong and gentility qing gong, acupoint rub Dian Xue, grasping expressions qin na (jaw na), the craft of setting separations and bones and others.

72 Secret Arts of Monks from the Shaolin Monastery"In all practices of the Seventy-two Arts at first the essential hypothesis is considered and at exactly that point activities are finished. At first, the individuals who rehearse expressions of the human experience prepare the delicateness of their ligaments and bones and attempt to make dexterous every one of their joints and verbalizations. At that point, they set into motion the primary breath ZONG LI, reinforce the inward organs FU, enhance blood state, unite body quality, control the cinnabar field and amass vitality in it, beat their goals and prerequisites. The quality spreads on the four limits and the hundred joints and explanations, now a warrior is in order of boundless power and he can get off one thousand jins. Your arm weighing just ten jins can move a thing measuring ten thousand jins with a stroke. Your arms are ahead, and your legs are a tail. Everything is pervaded with a solitary development, the body moves like a winged serpent. Educators stated: "Shaolin practices create powers of the entire human life form, all joints, and bones; you are fit for hitting with all parts of your body." There is one more saying: "The clench hand is the wellspring of all expressions and the leg is the base, the base of the clench hand." Ordinary routine with regards to pugilism comprises 70% of leg preparation and 30% of clench hand preparation. On the off chance that you get pugilism, you can utilize eighteen sorts of weapons. In the event that you turn to all ploys of pugilism, you can battle against ten thousand contenders."/Secret Shaolin Treatises on the Pugilistic Art/

72 Secret Arts of Monks from the Shaolin Monastery:

1. Method "Diamond Finger" (Yi Zhi Jingang Fa).

2. Exercise "Twin Lock" (Shuang Suo Gong).

3. Exercise "Striking with Foot" (Zu She Gong).

4. Exercise "Pulling out a Nail" (Bo Ding Gong).

5. Exercise "Ringing Round a Tree" (Bao Shu Gong)

6. Four-Part exercise (Si Duan Gong).

7. Exercise "One Finger of Chan Meditation" (Yi Zhi Chan Gong).

8. Exercise "Iron Head"(Tie Tou Gong).

9. Exercise "Iron Shirt" (Tie Bu Shan Gong).

10. Exercise "A Series of Blows" (Pai Da Gong).

11. Exercise "Sweeping with an Iron Broom" (Tie Sao Zhou).

12. Exercise "Hand - a Bamboo Leaf" (Zhu Ye Shou Gong).

13. Exercise Jumping Centipede (WU GONG TIAO).

14. Raising a Weight of 1000 JINs (TIE QIAN JIN).

15. Celestial's Palm (XIAN REN ZHANG).

16. Method of Hardness and Softness (GANG ROU FA).

17. Cinnabar Palm (ZHU SHA ZHANG).

18. Exercise Lying Tiger (WO HU GONG).

19. Swimming and Diving Skill (QIU SHUI SHU).

20. Sluice Shutter weighing 1000 JINs (QIAN JIN ZHA).

21. Covering with a Gold Bell (JIN ZHONG ZHAO).

22. Exercise Finger Lock (SUO ZHI GONG).

23. Luohan's Exercise (LUOHAN GONG).

24. Lizard Climbs the Wall (BIHU YU QIANG SHU).

25. The Art of Lash (BIAN JIN FA).

26. Exercise "PIPA" (PIPA GONG).

27. "The Pole of a Falling Star" (LIU XING ZHUANG).

28. "Poles of Plum Bloom" (MEI HUA ZHUANG).

29. The Art of Stone Padlock (SHI SUO GONG).

30. "Skill of the Iron Arm" (TIE BI GONG).

31. "Fist like a Bullet" (DANZI QUAN).

32. Exercise "Soft Bones" (ROU GU GONG).

33. Exercise "Frog" (HAMA GONG).

34. Exercise "Piercing the Curtain" (CHUAN LIAN GONG).

35. The Force of Eagle's Claws (YING ZHAO LI).

36. Technique "Iron Bull" (TIE NIU GONG).

37. Skill of Eagle Wings (YING YI GONG).

38. Arm of Sun Rays (YANG GUANG SHOU).

39. Exercise for Groin (MEN DAN GONG).

40. Exercise "Iron Bag" (TIE DAI GONG).

41. Method that Reveals the Truth (JIE DI GONG).

42. Skill of Tortoise Back (GUI BEI GONG).

43. Skill of Deft Jumps (CUAN ZONG SHU).

44. Skill of Light Body (JIN SHEN SHU).

45. Exercise "Iron Knees" (TIE XI GONG).

46. Technique of Jumps (TIAO YAO FA).

47. Palm of Iron Sand (TIE SHA ZHANG).

48. Pulling a Silk Thread (YI XIAN CHUAN).

49. Method of drawing in YIN (XI YIN GONG).

50. Technique of "Rubbing and Thrusts" (MO CHA SHU).

51. Exercise "Stone Pile" (SHI ZHU GONG).

52. Skill "Neither Lances nor Broadswords Can Wound" (QIANG DAO BU RU FA).

53. Gong Fu "Flight" (FEI XING GONG).

54. Hand of Five Poisons (WU DU SHOU).

55. Skill of Water Separation (FEN SHUI GONG).

56. To Fly Up to the Ridge and to Walk on a Wall (FEI YAN ZOU).

57. Skill of Somersaulting (FAN TENG SHU).

58. Pole of Cypress (BAI SHU ZHUANG).

59. Ba Wang's Elbow (BA WANG ZHOU).

60. Exercise "Pinching a Flower" (NIAN HUA GONG).

61. Exercise "Pushing a Mountain with Palm" (TUI SHAN ZHANG).

62. Technique of Horse Saddle (MA AN GONG).

63. Skill of Nephrite Belt (YU DAI GONG).

64. YIN Fist Method (YIN QUAN GONG).

65. Skill of Sand Bags (SHA BAO GONG).

66. Skill "Piercing Through Stones" (DIEN SHI GONG).

67. Skill "Pulling Out a Mountain" (BO SHAN GONG).

68. Claws of Mantis (TANGLANG ZHAO).

69. Skill "Bag" (BU DAI GONG).

70. Palm of Guan Yin (GUAN YIN ZHANG).

71. Skill "Raising a Pot" (SHANG GUAN GONG).

72. Rubbing Palms (HE PAN ZHANG).

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