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Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting Kicks

Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting Kicks

Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting Kicks
Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting Kicks  

Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting Kicks

In China, we used to have two Shaolin Temples, one in the south and one in the North. It is said that the Southern Shaolin Temple was well known for their punches and the Northern Shaolin Temple was acclaimed for their kicks. Be that as it may, many years back the Northern Shaolin Temple was burned to the ground and the main record of it today is in history books. The abilities from both sanctuaries have now blended. The old books from the sanctuary say that keeping in mind the end goal to have intense kicks, we have to create three essential aptitudes. 

Three Essential Ingredients 

1) Flexibility. In the event that you need to kick with power and speed, you need to have as much control over your leg as you do your arm. This implies preparing it to have as much adaptability and expertise as your arm.

2) Speed and power. Adaptability doesn't prompt speed and power so the following thing you need to focus on is picking up speed and power.

3) Strength. In Shaolin, we have seventy-two unique styles, and one of these styles is called Iron leg. The motivation behind preparing an iron leg is actually to make the leg as hard as iron.

In the event that you can join these three fundamental fixings effectively then your leg will be a weapon and you can then advance to the fourth component, which is.

4) How to utilize your weapon. 


Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting KicksOn the off chance that you've perused my different articles then you realize that I am continually encouraging military specialists to add hurrying to their preparation. No boxer could ever go into the ring without stamina preparation and as everybody knows, all boxers incorporate running as a major aspect of their stamina preparation. At the Shaolin Temple, it's the same, we generally start our preparation with a run, this helps us with our stamina as well as makes our body hot. Once our body is hot we then extend our arms and our legs. When we have extended our muscles then we start to do The Five Fundamental Kicks, which I exhibited in a past Combat article and furthermore in my Shaolin Workout One DVD. The five distinct edges of these kicks expand our adaptability substantially more distant than simply extending ever would. From the kicks, we then go into the three-way parts. This preparation makes our legs and hips adaptable so that our legs and hips can move on various edges, and is the initial step to making our leg adaptable. 

Mixing traditional with modern 

When we can do the five principal kicks we can then blend them, for instance, we can play out the within kick with the outside kick and connection them together. We can expand the number of kicks in the mix. We can utilize the five principal kicks as a warm-up before our battling kicks. 

Speed and Power 

Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting KicksAll conventions of contenders utilize footwork to interface the connection of the kicks together and rehearse different battling blends. At Shaolin, we connect battling kicks with conventional preparation. The reason for this is to reinforce our legs. 

We may remain in Ma Bu (horse position) for five minutes and after that, we will do the battling kicks as fast as we can for one - three minutes. This blend of position and kick joins control with speed. Or, on the other hand, we may keep running up a slope, and when we return we kick sacks as fast as possible. We will make an objective to kick one hundred or two hundred times. Our legs will feel so drained that it's difficult to lift them off the ground however we won't stop until we've finished our objective.

Optimize The Power

Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting KicksOn the off chance that you need to kick with speed then you have to make your leg tired, once your leg is drained, you need to prepare your body to unwind. When you are casual you need to figure out how to get the most extreme power from your kicks. When you kick, solicit yourself, which part of my body am I utilizing? When you know the appropriate response then you will spare vitality, as you might utilize the parts of your body that you truly require. 

This significantly enhances your energy and vitality. This is the reason in the event that you need an effective quick kick the best way to accomplish this is through kicking a great deal. Through kicking a ton your body will get it. In combative technique we can never comprehend with our head, we generally must be driven by our body's inborn knowledge. 


Individuals infrequently think on the off chance that you need to make your shin and feet solid you have to kick hard things constantly however as I clarified in a month ago's article on Body Conditioning, this is totally off-base. In the event that you need to make your leg hard then the main thing you have to do is have great stamina, on the off chance that you don't have the stamina it's unrealistic for your leg to be solid as you won't have vitality. It resembles an auto without petroleum, it basically can't move, and you won't have the capacity to lift your leg up or kick in this way you have lost everything. 

This is the motivation behind why stamina is so vital. After you have picked up stamina you then work on your adaptability and afterward you can take a shot at your speed and power and afterward you can begin on the molding preparing for your leg. 

Iron Leg 

Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting Kicks
The ideal approach to warm up is to do the Si Bi Quan frame from my Workout One DVD. This shape comprises two fixings: stamp and punch, the more power you can use with the stamp, the more you will construct the energy of your leg muscles and bone. This development is basic and helpful. Subsequent to doing this shape you can then begin to do pack work. 

Kick Bags 

It's best to kick diverse sacks, some hard and some delicate so that your body can get used to kicking distinctive weights. Delicate sacks eat vitality and on the off chance that you have a capable kick then you need to hold your energy else you may get harmed. This is all piece of the preparation. When you go in the ring, individuals' bodies are distinctive, and individuals move contrastingly so it's best to be as versatile as you can when you prepare. Continue changing your blends and the packs that you deal with. 

Kick Bamboo 

After we have kicked sacks we then kick bamboo. Bamboo is superior to wood since it is both delicate and hard in the meantime. On the off chance that you have ever been into bamboo woods, then you will have seen the trees twisting with the bearing of the twist however this is the thing that makes them unbelievably solid. 

When you set out on kicking bamboo you must be cautious. Never attempt this by itself however dependably prepare under a qualified educator. You need a decent comprehension of your body, make the preparation stride by step, and continue tuning in to your body. 

Qi Gong 

When we do this hard preparation we likewise rehearse Qi Gong to take care of our bodies and our legs. One of our Qi Gongs is called Bone Marrow Cleansing Qi Gong since it actually wipes out our bone marrow. We utilize a Shaolin Energy Massage brush to back-rub ourselves. Not exclusively is this the initial step to body molding yet it is likewise another approach to opening our meridian channels. After we have completed our body molding we then utilize customary drugs. I make this medication at regular intervals, it takes around three months to make, and it helps the blood to stream and makes the bone more grounded. It originates from a conventional formula from the Shaolin Temple yet there might be slight varieties relying upon the supporter's close-to-home involvement and the sort of body molding that they do. 

How to Use 

Unlock the Secret of Shaolin Fighting KicksThese fixings make your leg into a weapon yet this doesn't imply that you know how to utilize this weapon or that you are a decent contender, it just implies that you have a sharp weapon. So the primary thing you have to do is connect your punch and kick together and figure out how to trap individuals with the goal that you can overcome their guards. How would you battle with various individuals? A few people have great kicks, others great knees, and others great elbows. At the Shaolin Temple we for the most part pick one great customary system and join that with our battling punches and kicks. We then fight against a wide range of adversaries to test ourselves and sharpen our expertise. 

Mind Control 

When we battle in the ring, the judge says to begin and nobody comprehends what will happen. This is the reason we rehearse our battling kicks again and again and we envision a wide range of rivals so we can be prepared for anything despite the fact that we have no control over the result, in our mind, we have inward certainty and this gives us control.

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