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Kung Fu Hand and Finger Strength Training

Kung Fu Hand and Finger Strength Training

Kung Fu Hand and Finger Strength Training
Kung Fu Hand and Finger Strength Training

Kung Fu Hand and Finger Strength Training 

Finger quality, suppleness, and mastery are basic, alluring properties for Shaolin Martial Artists' hands to have, improving their Kung Fu. There is something else entirely on hand, finger, and grasp preparation than utilizing metal-spring grippers and fingertip press-ups. The accompanying four exercise drills, intended to make your hands and fingers work all the more successfully, precisely, productively, and adaptable, can help enhance the accompanying parts of your Martial Arts execution.

Chuan Fa (Fist Way) 

A superior, more grounded clench hand (counting variations like Leopard, Phoenix, and Detour Hook Fist) can be shaped all the more rapidly and changed to other hand-frames (paw hands for instance) with speed and accuracy. 

Zhang Fa (Palm Way) 

Palm, hand, and finger strikes might be upgraded also and conveyed with expanded exactness and certainty.

Qin Na (Seize and Control Techniques) 

Awesome additions might be made by means of the procurement of a more grounded, surer grasp and capacity to apply expanded use, apply more energy to appendage pivot and weight upon imperative focuses. 

Hook Hands (Claw Hands)

The full scope of these crucial variations can be shaped with more noteworthy adequacy and aplomb and with more prominent speed and power.


Being only hand-held and used, expanded manual skill will definitely upgrade weapon-play in the wake of conveying its advantages to people's hand procedure. 

The accompanying drills and activities are intended to encourage advance toward such finishes. They can be seen as discrete individual activities and rehearsed appropriately or, all the more intensely, viewed as all-together as a total hand and finger exercise. 

Practice 1 

Between connection, the fingers of both hands, press them delicately together and afterward rub them forward and backward energetically 100 times(this ought to take, with practice, 30 seconds or less- - endure until you reach or outperform this rate) Enhances cut hand, skewer hand and sword-finger strikes. 

Practice 2 

Moving just the base or first knuckles of your fingers twist and fix these 100 times(this ought to take, with practice, 30 seconds or less- - hold on until you reach or outperform this rate). Extraordinary for enhancing strike/Crane's Wing strikes and expanding the speed with which you make a clenched hand. 

Practice 3 

Moving just the second or center knuckles of your fingers twist and rectify these 150 circumstances (this ought to take, with practice, 30 seconds or less- - hold on until you reach or outperform this rate). At point when conjoined with Exercise 2 drastically enhances clench hand arrangement, independent from anyone else this enhances panther clench hand shaping. 

Practice 4 

Make what is known as a 'snare hand' in Wu Shu with the four fingers bent and the thumb and center finger touching. Rub the thumb from the principal finger down to the third and in a roundabout movement 100 circumstances and back before rehashing the activity the other way 100 circumstances comparatively. This, with practice, ought to take 1 minute or less. continue going until you can equivalent or beat this rate. This enhances the power and precision of seizing with Crane Claw, Crane's Beak strikes, and snare hand applications. 

These drills are in spite of the fact that the brief term can tire at first. There are hand muscles that are once in a while utilized (those between the fingers, for instance) and these activities help these 'wake up'. Your hands may well throb after practice at first - continue on and this will blur and vanish as your hands and fingers get more grounded. At long last, the more you practice these drills the less demanding they get to be and the more you accelerate - inevitably you may even appreciate doing them!

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