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Kung Fu Styles

Kung Fu Styles

Best Kung Fu - Kung Fu Styles
Kung Fu Styles

Kung Fu Styles

Since Kung Fu is quite 1,000 years old, there are many sorts of Kung Fu. Old styles are mixed to make new styles. Then there are many families of designs. Kung Fu styles also change from region to region, as Kung Fu reflects how of living.

The Kung Fu styles are often divided into soft and hard styles. Soft styles mean diverting momentum to unbalance an opponent. they're wont to bring opponents into striking range. These styles use less physical force and more internal energy and skills. Hard styles direct the energy outward. These are wont to strike with the force.

Kung fu also can be divided by the shape of movements. This subtle distinction classifies Kung Fu styles as circular and linear. because the name depicts, circular styles use around and aside movements in reference to the opponents. Linear styles use direct, straight-line movements. Most Kung Fu masters use a mix of those two styles.

Then there are distinctions of designs, like internal and external styles. Here, internal styles emphasize non-tangible elements like meditation, body control, perception, and mind control. These styles also are referred to as mystical styles. Internal styles are a part of soft styles. External styles use body mechanics and force. Weight, strength, and positioning are wont to gain the advantage. External styles are hard styles.

As a Kung Fu master learns from his surroundings, there are many styles that are adopted from the behavior of the animals. A famous example of this is often the monkey style, which is adapted from the behavior of monkeys.

Finally, there's without stopping the discussion on Kung Fu styles. A Kung Fu master learns from the environment and himself or makes his own style.

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