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Why Wing Chun Uses A Wooden Dummy

Why Wing Chun Uses A Wooden Dummy

Why Wing Chun Uses A Wooden Dummy
Why Wing Chun Uses A Wooden Dummy

Why Wing Chun Uses A Wooden Dummy

Why Wing Chun Uses A Wooden DummyPerhaps the issue that creates Wing Chun one every of the foremost distinctive martial arts is the wooden dummy that's utilized by students. Most different martial arts (and different fighting designs like western boxing) use significant luggage (also known as punching bags) because the main coaching tool to develop power. The significant bag typically weighs between 50-100 pounds and is dense nonetheless still soft, and also the student will deliver strikes thereto and over time build up the ability within the arms, legs, and joints. A wooden dummy, on the opposite hand, is created from wood (although some square measure made from PVC), is roughly 5' tall and between eight.5 and 9.5" in diameter, associated has 3 12" arms protruding from it to simulate an opponent's arms. this permits the coed to observe obstruction-associated opponent's attacks while conjointly delivering strikes to the dummy's body.

The techniques of Wing Chun martial art lend themselves specifically to the utilization of a picket dummy. for instance, several of the techniques involve synchronal obstruction and putting. One such technique is termed "tan prosecuting attorney," and consists of a "tan Sao" (block with the forearm extended and also the palm facing upward) with one arm, and a vertical mitt punch with the opposite arm performed at a similar time. The "tan Sao" deflects the opponent's attack whereas the synchronal punch hits the opponent.

Why Wing Chun Uses A Wooden DummyThis type of technique is often trained on a picket dummy. the coed faces the dummy and delivers a "tan Sao" block against one in every of the higher dummy arms while executing a punch to the dummy's body at a similar time. Since the dummy is created from wood, the "tan Sao" is practiced against a tough surface that's associated opponent's arm. this can be superior to easily active blocks within the air, as several different designs do. during this means, it conditions the coed each physically associated mentally to grasp what to expect once play acting the technique in an actual confrontation. In fact, failure to try to do this can be one of the explanations for why even trained martial artists square measure generally swamped in actual fights. though somebody has been active in a method for several years, if they've solely performed that technique "in the air" and not truly against one thing that resists them, like a coaching partner or a wooden dummy, then once the time involves being intimate for real, they're not getting to understand what to expect and can in all probability be stunned once they encounter resistance. It is often compared to somebody learning baseball with a ball and plastic bat, so once they move to play their initial ball game for real, they need to use a picket bat-associated an actual baseball. albeit they understand the technique of swinging a bat and hitting a ball, it's getting to be considered totally different for them and possibly distracts them enough that they lose their focus.


Why Wing Chun Uses A Wooden Dummy

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