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5 Things You Should Know About Jeet Kune Do

5 Things You Should Know About Jeet Kune Do

5 Things You Should Know About Jeet Kune Do
5 Things You Should Know About Jeet Kune Do

5 Things You Should Know About Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do, as most people with AN interest in martial arts can already apprehend was supported by the gifted and cogent martial creative person Lee Yuen Kam. it's a mode of fighting that's changing into a lot of and a lot of widespread within the western world, for the most part, because of its exposure in film and television. For people who have an interest and would love to be told a lot of, here is our list of five belongings you ought to fathom Jeet Kune Do.

1. The philosophy behind Jeet Kun Do revolve around the lowest movement with the most result. The movements area unit easy nonetheless direct and mix extreme speeds with swimmingly flowing techniques. It involves kicking, punching, tack, and grappling and teaches tools and strategies that may be used counting on the assorted things, within which you discover yourself. Jeet Kune Do not like different a lot of ancient martial arts additionally takes into thought individual variations and recognizes that a rigid formula cannot work for each habitus and elegance of a fighter.

2. Lee Yuen Kam 1st studied the Chinese self-defense of Wing Chun before finding that it had some limitations when it came to the unpredictability of a street fight. Several of the standard martial arts teach and practice rigid movements and patterns that may create it arduous to predict spontaneous attacks that may occur in an exceedingly setting like a street fight. Lee Yuen Kam began performing on his own vogue which did not have these restrictions but rather inspired you to stay versatile and fluid.

3. once Lee Yuen Kam began developing his own designs and philosophies that may be effective either within the ring or on the road, it had been at the start referred to as Jun Fan Gung Fu. This interprets as Bruce Lee's Kung Fu. but he did not wish his methodology to become thought of so far another vogue or "version" of Kung Fu, therefore, he gave it the name Jeet Kune Do, usually noted merely as JKD.

4. Jeet Kune Do revolve around the necessary construct of interception. This involves recognizing once your opponent is close to attacking and intercepting it before they need the possibility to try to, before. AN old martial creative person is ready to pre-empt a strike from the slightest twitch or movement and intercept while no hesitation. there's no area for stiffness or inelasticity in Jeet Kune Do. All movements area unit lightning quick and each strike ought to be felt before it's seen.

5. Lee Yuen Kam spent his life refinement his construct of the foremost effective martial arts system. The Jeet Kune is educated these days is that the techniques and skills that Lee Yuen Kam himself learned, developed, and improved throughout a life of practicing and teaching martial arts. Of all the techniques that he witnessed throughout his life, through practice and skill he stuffed all of them down till he was left with what he believed to be the clean necessities of combat.

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1 comment:

  1. Freestyle kung fu and animal-based Kung Fu where you nerve like animals
