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The History of Nunchucks

The History of Nunchucks

The History of Nunchucks
The History of Nunchucks

The History of Nunchucks

Jeet Kune Do was created by Lee Yuen Kam. It swept back the globe with its hurricane-like moves. Jeet Kune Do was derived from the Chinese Kung Fu Wing Chun. Weapons embrace Nunchucks, short sticks, and long sticks. however the foremost famed and awful among those is clearly the Nunchucks.

Nunchuck was originally referred to as the Rotating Dragon Stick. it absolutely was fictitious by the Chinese emperor of the Sung dynasty. Originally, a rotating dragon stick has one longer chuck and a brief chuck connected by metal links. throughout that age, these reasonably cold weapons square measure used chiefly to attack the legs of horses, to destroy armor and alternative onerous weapons, so the enemies lose their ability to fight and surrender. Later, the rotating dragon stick was dropped in the Philippines and Japan. that's why it got the Japanese name of Nunchuck. Finally, Lee Yuen Kam refined it and brought it up to the moving-picture show screen and introduced it to the globe.

The skills and techniques of Nunchuck square measure terribly versatile. you'll be able to attack from virtually any direction, head, arms, waist, ribs, knee, or thigh. it's terribly powerful as a result of its that versatility.

Along with the event of Jeet Kune Do, the Nunchuck is changing into additional and additional fashionable and blue-eyed by the general public United Nations agency have an interest in self-protection. owing to the promotion of Jeet Kune neutralize completely different|many various|many alternative} countries by different masters, many completely different kinds of Nunchuck technique is evolved. There square measure the Yankee and European Nunchuck vogue utilized by the cops, Philippine unreal Nunchuck vogue, and therefore the colorful Japanese and Korean designs. all of them have their own characteristics and blessings.

The founding father of Jeet Kune Do, Lee Yuen Kam learned the Philippine stick technique from Dan Inosanto throughout his keep in America. By Inosanto's directions, Lee Yuen Kam became an Associate in Nursing knowledgeable of stick weapons in an especially short amount of your time. He is then fictitious about his own Jeet Kune Do Nunchuck vogue and skills mistreatment of long sticks and short sticks. within the moving-picture show menus of Fury, he used his Nunchuck on stage for the primary time. The moves like a sweep, chop, and swing square measure thus fantastically done and deadly. till the moving-picture show, the approach of the Dragon, he even used 2 Nunchucks at an equivalent time. and therefore the skills he incontestible became even additional unimaginable and delightful. The Nunchuck is then practiced by voluminous folks around the world.

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  1. It was actually Steve Golden who introduced this Weapon to Bruce. Let's give credit where credit is due.

  2. I did not know this information
    thank you


  4. Steve Golden brought them back from Okinawa and showed them to Dan Inosanto. Dan showed them to Bruce. Bruce did his own style with them. He in no way shape or form learned the Filipino way or any other way. He made them his own.

  5. Dan Inosanto has told the story many times over the years of how he taught Bruce Lee how to use the Nunchaku. They did a lot of contact sparring with them and Bruce developed his skills in order to put the weapon to good use in the movies.

  6. https://nextshark.com/dan-inosanto-bruce-lees-student-teacher-and-friend/
