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Forms of Wing Chun Martial Art

Forms of Wing Chun Martial Art

Forms of Wing Chun Martial Art
Forms of Wing Chun Martial Art

Forms of Wing Chun martial art

The most fashionable style of Wing Chun within the West is (without a doubt) that of participant yelp Man. metric weight unit yelp Man was a tutor to the late actor and it's due to his moving picture success that WingTsun martial art unfold throughout the globe and created it to the West.

There square measure, several alternative families of Wing Chun - most of that stay in China and Hong Kong. totally different|completely different} families with different traditions, coaching ways, and completely different types of Wing Chun.

Forms of Wing Chun Martial Art
Yip Man Ving Tsun has four Empty Hand Forms

GM Yip Man taught 4 empty-hand forms and 2 weapon forms. The empty hand types begin with the Siu table game letter of the alphabet - the primary form. Here the coed is assumed basic hand movements that type the basics of the system.

Having mastered the Siu Nim Tau form - students learn sidekick Kiu, the ordinal type. Here the WingTsun professional person starts to be told basic stepping, kicking and bridging techniques to add to their repertoire.

Forms of Wing Chun Martial Art
The 3rd form is Biu Tse (also spelt Bil Jee). This once secretive form was traditionally kept for family members only and consisted of attacking techniques. Most noticeable are the elbows and fingers - attacking the throat and eyes of an opponent.

The Ving Chun Dummy form (Mook Yan Chong) completes the unarmed system. Here students learn 8 different kicking techniques which focus on attacking the lower limbs of an opponent.

Coordinated hand and foot attacks, learning to attack at angles, and (to an extent) condition the arms - all hone the Ving Tsun students' skills.

Other Wing Chun Families Have Many More Forms

Forms of Wing Chun Martial ArtAs Wing Chun evolved and 'kung fu brothers' went their own way - the system changed and adapted to the conditions at the time. Some bits were added, some were lost and experience from fights would change Wing Chun.

Many non-Yip Man lineages of Ving Tsun have many more forms. The Saam Pai Fai, Saam Chien, the WingTsun Kuen and much more.

Whilst students will continue to argue the validity of which is right and which is wrong. The wiser students (and hopefully instructors) will accept the reality that there is MORE than one type of Ving Tsun.

That they are all the same system - just with different interpretations and ideas. Only speaking to the instructor and practicing the technique for REAL will tell you what works, and what does not work for YOU.

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