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Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training Method

Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training Method 

Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training Method
Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training Method

Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training Method 

There are various diverse types of chi sao, yet they all offer some normal attributes. 

They are constantly two man works out. 

The arms dependably begin in contact at striking extent 

They expect to the create affect ability to the rivals developments and vitality, utilization of right position, and capacity to discover a hole in an adversary's safeguards and the proper utilization of catching abilities. 

The six phases of Chi Sau preparing are: 

Dan Chi Sao (single staying hands) 

Poon Sao (twofold staying hands) 

Jeung Sao (evolving hands) 

Dok Sao (investigative hands) 

Gor Sao (free applications) 

Chi Sao Lye Bye Muk (blindfolded chi sao) 

By taking a gander at each of these phases in more detail we can pick up a superior comprehension of the strategies and points of Chi Sao preparing. 

Dan Chi Sao (single staying hands) 
Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training Method

Rehearsed in the Wing Chun preparing position Using one hand the two experts exchange amongst striking and safeguarding going through a portion of the essential hand methods of the Wing Chun framework. Experts do whatever it takes not to get into an anticipated mood and will both differ the speed of the bore haphazardly to guarantee that they are keeping up an intense familiarity with their accomplice's development. 

Poon Sao (twofold staying hands) 

Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training MethodThis is the second stage in Chi Sao preparation and is the main stage where the development is in a settled and unsurprising grouping. The two arms are in contact as the two experts interchange between essential Wing Chun guarded positions guaranteeing that the center line is protected consistently. 

Jeung Sao (evolving hands) 

The professionals figure out how to move from the outside to within their rivals arms and back. Since they are especially defenseless against assault amid these advances they have to move rapidly and keep up the ideal structure for their arm position. 
Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training Method
Dok Sao (explanatory hands) 

Beginning from poon sao the professionals roll gradually looking for crevices in their accomplice's barrier, as they discover those holes they push forward gradually giving time for their accomplice to acclimate to a superior position. There are no set examples and the activity is an open door for specialists to begin trying different things with the fundamental positions and procedures that they've learned. 

Gor Sao (free applications) 
Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training Method

At full speed and beginning from poon sau the specialists mean to discover holes in their accomplice's protections and convey light taps to demonstrate where and how they could arrive a hit, and at a similar time they need to guarantee that the same doesn't occur to themselves. Safeguard, catching and striking abilities would all be able to be tried against an opposing adversary. It is fundamental that Chi Sao is done in a casual and non-forceful way for the understudy to get the ideal advantage as far as preparing. Experts of Wing Chun discuss "playing" chi sau to underline the way that it is to be done in a casual way and outlook, that you would any session of aptitude.

Chi Sau - Wing Chun Kung Fu Training Method
Chi Sao Lye Bye Muk (blindfolded chi sau) 

As you'd likely figure this expands on gor sau, including the additional component of blindfolds to improve the advancement of utilizing contact to gauge the position and protections of the other player.

In spite of the fact that chis sau is extraordinary to Wing Chun, comparative standards are utilized as a part of different frameworks, outstandingly "Pushing Hands" in Tai Chi and "hubud-lobud" in Kali. Wing Chun Chi Sao has additionally been consolidated into Jeet Kune Do as one of the centers preparing procedures.

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