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Tan Tien Chi Kung


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Tan Tien Chi Kung


An essential Taoist take after for improving and using chi 

• Includes breath and development activities to push essentialness and mending through the development of chi inside the tan tien and locale regions 

• Presents the foundational practices that are basic for a lot of cutting-edge hones like Iron Shirt Chi Kung and Cosmic Healing 

Tan Tien Chi Kung is the craft of developing and packing chi inside the lower stomach area - the tan tien - the fundamental power store of the body. called the Ocean of Chi to the customary Taoists, this lower stomach space holds the way to hole the body and furthermore the psyche for the free and persistent development of chi. Tan Tien Chi Kung contains particular breath and development practices that build up the office of the chi and hang on inside the body to expand imperativeness, fortify organs, and advance self-recuperating. Mantak Chia clarifies however these activities furthermore offer a safe and successful approach to accepting earth vitality, that allows the expert individual to achieve adjust physically, rationally, and profoundly - the majority of that is fundamental for a lot of cutting-edge practices of Iron Shirt Chi Kung and Cosmic Healing. 

It is our mind that coordinates and aids our chi, be that as it may, if the brain and body are out of adjustment or underneath stress, the psyche can't play out this work. The tan tien truly contains a larger than the usual measure of neurotransmitters, making it a key supply of body knowledge. it's therefore the Taoists furthermore said Tan Tien Chi Kung was Second Brain Chi Kung and made activities that may allow professionals to accomplish attention to the tan tien's work to restore the mind-body adjustment that is fundamental for religious development and best prosperity.

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