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The Dragon and the Wuxing! - Legend of the Chinese Dragon

The Dragon and the Wuxing! 
Legend of the Chinese Dragon

Legend of the Chinese Dragon - The Dragon and the Wuxing!
Legend of the Chinese Dragon - The Dragon and the Wuxing! 

The Dragon and the Wuxing! - Legend of the Chinese Dragon

What or Who is the Chinese Dragon? Is it accurate to say that they are genuine, human, animal(s), individuals, legendary or surviving? Furthermore, why haven't they got wings?

Chinese Dragon Year (2012-13) will soon be upon us and 'knowing the Dragon' ahead of time may help us through this. Such Years, similar to that starting Jan 24th, 2012, are generally propitious for Martial Artists and others 'in order' with Dragon Year Energies. Life at loggerheads with these energies, then again, might be troublesome, crabby and baffling amid this period. Adjust to Dragon Year Energies requires expanded 'Lung-learning' (in addition to Year Element Water-insight) ahead of time.

The Chinese Character " Lung'/Dragon

The Chinese Character " Lung'/DragonChinese characters regularly join realistic bits of knowledge into their real importance and "lung" is no exception.' Lung' portrays a human figure. In the event that you take a gander at the Chinese Character for "Mythical beast" see her/him, finish with a Chinese-style cap remaining by something looking suspiciously like a quill or 'wing'! Lung here is the human who does Kung Fu: he flies (as in bouncing - flying kicks) by means of self-control - consequently, we don't have any wings- - we needn't bother with them to fly.


The Yang Dragon additionally standards and tops the general chain of command. Have you seen an incomprehensible, brilliant, thundering Flying Dragon (the rising Sun) in the East ruling the sky of late? Its Yin comparable to the Crimson Phoenix/Red Bird is the Sun at its tallness, in the South, in the late morning.

Lung Leads at Number 5

Number 5 is the quantity of the Dragon: he best the Wuxing/5 Animals rankings. Number 5 in the 12-Year "Ghazni" Animal Cycle, Dragon Year is a high point inside it. Humble (no legs) Snake in taking after Year 6, starts a typical transformative adventure finishing, after 12 months, with Lung's return. The Shaolin Maxim: 'Don't disdain the modest Snake, one day he may turn into a solid and strong Dragon!' merits reflection.

5 Animals/Elements Wuxing

5 Animals/Elements Wuxing

The "Wuxing" 5 Animals in Ascending Order are Snake, Crane, Leopard, Tiger, and Dragon. Here and there Mantis or Eagle supplants the Leopard at no.3, however, the center "crossing over" creature must exhibit a high energy-to-weight proportion to legitimize its correspondence to the Meta elements in 5 Elements Wuxing, The Leopard is perfect for this position is more grounded pound-for-pound than even the Tiger yet not sufficiently huge to annihilation his striped predominant. Lung, be that as it may, tops and principles all.

5 Element Wuxing counterparts are Earth, Water, Metal, Fire, and Wood. Wood (the main "living" Element) 5, compares to the Dragon in this framework, and both symbolize 'Soul'. Feng Shui, too underlines Dragon/Wood/Spirit joins, finding both in the East, the bearing related with Spirit. Feng Shui, unexpectedly, utilizes 4 Animals, the Center is involved in the Feng Shui professional: Green Dragon in the East (prime position), Red Bird/Crimson Phoenix in the South, White Tiger in the West, and Black Warrior in the North (this is a composite picture including a Tortoise with a Snake curling around its carapace).

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